Hedera Fusha

Hedera is a Law student at Faculty of Law, University of Tirana. Since an early age, she developed a great interest in jurisprudence, human rights and leadership.

Therefore, in 2016 she started her Bachelor degree in Law. During this time, she was engaged in several activities such as different trainings, mock trials and debate groups. Being attracted by these fields she has completed “The Next Generation Leaders”, a training organized by McCain Institute in collaboration with Arizona State University. She graduated with honors in 2019 and started her Master of Science in Private Law. Her extended academic background allowed her to successfully complete her first internship in one of the top law firms in Tirana. In the meanwhile, Hedera has attended several courses in Washington& Lee Law School, related to Global Corruption, Good Governance and the United Nation Convention against Corruption. All knowledge gained during these courses were implemented in a conference organized at The Ministry of Justice of Albania, in which Hedera presented two of her projects related to “Curbing Corruption in the educational system” and “Incentivizing citizens to curb corruption”. She was also a speaker in the Anti-Corruption academic Workshop in Southeast Europe and Lebanon where she presented here research regarding “Corruption during Covid-19 emergency”.
At the moment, Hedera is studying at Masaryk University as an Exchange student. In the future she sets her hopes high to be an activist in gender equality and women empowering.
She is a true believer that gender equality will be reached by empowering women to pursue their education and prosper in their careers, as well as by educating the whole population about its importance.